The risk of heat stress and personnel safety are concerns of every leader. Having the right tools to support the mission anywhere in the world is required. Keeping soldiers safe is our mission.
When conditions are determined to be a “Black Flag” scenario, it is extremely important to follow protocol. All heat-related illnesses are preventable, however, having the right education and tools to solve issues before they happen.
Soldiers in their appropriate gear with the added strains created by PPE creates an environment ripe for impacts to safety and productivity. Reducing temperatures provides an easy way to remain within protocol preventing heat-related illness.
The risk of heat stress and personnel safety are concerns of every leader. Having the right tools to support the mission anywhere in the world is required. Keeping soldiers safe is our mission. Nobody enjoys working in extreme temperatures. When you are hot you’re more likely to have an increased stress level affecting concentration and performance.
When it comes to extreme temperatures and how they are measured for safety, the U.S. Military does not have the margin for error to take risks. When a Black Flag warning is called, all parties must take note and follow the specific protocol for work/rest cycles along with abandoning all strenuous work (aside from mission-critical tasks).